Nonprofit Organization
EIN: 92-3623991
БО "БФ "Будь Світлом"
ЕДРПОУ 45239859
Be The Light is a U.S. based NGO with a mission to spread awareness and empower people in need of support and help. We believe that the world desperately needs ANGELS and SUPERHEROES now more than ever – and YOU can be one of them.
We’re urging international organizations, foundations, corporations, businesses, NGOs and public figures to take a stand for humanity and against apathy. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it.”
Be The Light is a project founded by Christina Katrakis. This humanitarian effort is represented by renowned international organizations and public figures who have become our “Ambassadors of Light.” Their mission is to Be The Light of support, help and aid in their own chosen way.
While our organization, Be The Light, was created for International Projects of Aid and Support, its current and urgent mission is focused on Ukraine. The invasion and war against this country has created a dire need for humanitarian help. We would like to give #PowerToUkraine by supporting their stand for Truth, Democracy and Light. Please join us. Be The Light on the journey to hope and healing.

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