Our Team of Light
Nonprofit Organization
EIN: 92-3623991
We Are All as One - Devoted to #BeTheLight for Many!
#BeTheLight Founder & Board Member
Christina Katrakis
A highly qualified and experienced international Ambassador, Strategic International Relations and Cultural Coordinator. Christina has coordinated a number of major international projects worldwide, she is also an official Ambassador for the Foundation for United Nations SDG and an International Coordinator for Centro UNESCO, Bologna. Her career defies convention and incorporates philanthropy, the arts, public relations, critical negotiation and administration skills, and other fields to produce a multi-disciplinary and diverse world-view. Christina has outstanding communication and organizational skills, developed in complex environments populated by competing egos and significant risks. She has always applied her creative energies to help organizations put their best feet forward and to maximize their opportunities. Christina has obtained a terminal degree (PHD equivalent) in Arts and History from the University of Memphis, USA and has studied in a number of renowned institutions, including Lorenzo de Medici and Sorbonne. She comes from a noble family with a rich heritage and background, holds aristocratic titles. As a symbol of Ukraine, she was the model for the Monument of Independence “Berehynia” on the Independence Square in Kyiv, she refused to evacuate and remained in Ukraine during the war, determined to Help. Christina – made the impossible possible for Ukraine, by sparking on the Project of a Humanitarian Base #BeTheLight on the third day of Russian invasion into Ukraine and full-blown war, Feb 27th, 2022. This Humanitarian Response-Base and Storage-Hub function to this day, providing aid for more than 5000 IDPs on a monthly basis, as well as helping thousands of civilians at the frontline areas. Christina’s ability to regroup, organize the team and the project on the major scale, be the visionary and the motivator fully devoted to the mission and be the global voice for the great cause - have earned her respect among her colleges, the team members and among the people she’s helping, alike. You can find more information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Katrakis
Roman Kudlay
#BeTheLight Chief Coordinator & Director of the Ukrainian branch of #Be The Light NGO
Roman is highly valued for his responsibility, creativity, communication and maintaining a strong work ethic. In our team, he is the one who has the skills and experience to get things done in the most challenging settings, while motivating people and managing resources to deliver every time, on time. As a Chief Coordinator, he led the Humanitarian Response Hub and #BeTheLight Base in Ukraine, which began to operate on the third day of full-blown Russian invasion and supports more than 5000 IDPs, as well as frontline civilians, on a monthly basis. Roman has a great experience in working with international NGOs, Funds and Organizations - he is an official Crises Coordinator for the Foundation for United Nations SDG.
He has studied in the renowned Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Technical University of Munich, specializing in technology and production. Roman is fluent in German, English, Ukrainian and Russian, and has been holding top managerial positions and running international projects for many years. He has a great understanding of: management, public relations, IT, technologies, teamwork, production, organizing and motivating people, human relations, networking, distribution and logistics, administration and accountability. As a Ukrainian native, Roman knows Ukraine very well, he’s been delivering aid, running logistics network, research network, statistics and response hotline for aid delivery to all the corners of the country, during his mission there as a Crisis Coordinator for FFUN SDG and Chief Coordinator for #BeTheLight. His native town of Sergiivka, Odesa region suffered greatly from Russian Missile Attack - making #BeTheLight Mission of Aid for Ukraine a deeply personal one for him. Helping Ukraine in Crisis is Roman’s way of Combating Russian Terror and Aggression. You can find more information here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roman-couldlie-92400144/

Ambassadors of Light

#BeTheLight has started a project Ambassadors of Light, focusing on raising awareness and in the process - Empowering Ukraine. We believe that the World needs Angels and Superheroes now, more than ever! And we urge international public figures to make a stand in combating apathy, because -“To Ignore Evil is to Become Accomplice to It” (MLK)
This project is represented by the renown international public figures, who have become #BeTheLight “Ambassadors of Light”, whose mission is to #BeTheLight and to give #PowerToUkraine in their own chosen way.
Please meet our “Ambassadors of Light” and join in the #BeTheLight Mission on the ground in Ukraine, by becoming our public figure representative - “Ambassador of Light”, or by donating to the Humanitarian cause which our “Ambassadors of Light” represent:

- is a Ukrainian four-star general who has served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 27 July 2021. He is also concurrently a member of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Nicknamed “Iron General”, Zaluzhnyi was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2022. He has received praise for his skill at "adapting to a fast-changing battlefield" through effective delegation and information gathering during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Zaluzhnyi has been awarded the Cross of Military Merit, Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the insignia "Personalized firearm", All-Ukrainian Literary & Art Prize of Lepkyi Brothers, Order of Saint Great-Martyr George the Victorybearer and Officer's Cross of the Order of the Cross of Vytis.
Valerii Zaluzhnyi not only stands as a commander-in-chief with the Armed Forces of Ukraine but also supports them even on a deeply personal level: receiving a $1 million inheritance, he has transferred it to a special account of the National Bank of Ukraine to raise funds for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Valerii Zaluzhnyi has officially joined Be The Light Team as its Ambassador of Light nominated to be the Leader of ‘With the Shield’ Project. His responsibility and focus as the Ambassador of Light and ‘With the Shield’ Leader is to stand united with each soldier - shielding with their lives the values of Liberty and Justice, Freedom and Democracy, Sovereignty and Integrity of Ukraine. The leader stands in accordance with the sacred call of honor - “With the Shield or On It”. They stand with the true ‘Warriors of Light’ - the Armed Forces of Ukraine. With the goal to help each soldier return home alive and with honor.

Charles Wessler
is an Academy Award winning producer known for such films as: “Palmer” with Justin Timberlake, “Green Book” with Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali, “Dumb and Dumber” with Jim Carry and Jeff Daniels, “Something about Mary
with Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller, and others.

For his brilliant film, “Green Book” - a human story of talent, perseverance, courage, dignity and defiance set during the era of racial segregation in the US - Charles has received an Oscar for Best Picture. This film resonates deeply with our #BeTheLight Mission on the ground in Ukraine, where our team combats aggression, terror and Humanitarian crisis, while facing thousands of personal tragedies daily. We understand what it means to strive, to be defiant in the face of aggression, to be dignified and to persevere. Persevere because our values are above the hatred, the aggression and the malice. We believe that “good” remains “good” outside of time and continuum, and it will always prevail.

Being of Jewish background, Charles Wessler remembers the historical events of the past and the legacy which tyranny leaves behind. His inspiration for taking action is a simple phrase - “Never Again!” As a #BeTheLight Ambassador of Light, Charles Wessler will focus on giving #PowerToUkraine and will aim to #BeTheLight by bringing power and light to Ukraine, literally. Bringing vital energy, heat, light, connection, internet, supplies for the frontlines and life-saving technologies to thousands in need will be Charles’ way of giving #PowerToUkraine and his way to #BeTheLight for many. #BeTheLight truly hopes that others will follow his lead and will help Charles give #PowerToUkraine, or join him in his campaign and #BeTheLight, as his fellow “Ambassador of Light “, helping to spread awareness and deliver aid. Please Contact us!
Bob Mueller, co-anchor of ABC News 2 at 5, 6, and 10 p.m., and host of the ABC Sunday morning political show “This Week with Bob Mueller,” has been with News 2 for four decades. During this time, Bob’s reporting skills have earned him numerous honors and distinctions. He is a 10-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and a member of the Silver Circle reserved for those working in broadcast journalism for more than 25 years. He is also a winner of the coveted George Foster Peabody National Award for investigative reporting and has been honored with eight National Telly Awards and six National Communicator Awards. Bob has also received awards from the Associated Press, United Press International, and the Radio Television News Directors Association (RTNDA). In 2018, Bob was inducted into the Tennessee Journalism Hall of Fame. Bob has the distinction of bringing his viewers some major historical events. He covered the first space shuttle launch in 1981. He was there when President Jimmy Carter returned to Plains, Georgia, after leaving the White House. He was the first reporter to talk with Jimmy Carter about the release of the hostages in Iran. Besides covering several Democratic and Republican Presidential Conventions and two Presidential Inaugurations, Bob has brought his audiences one on one interviews with Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Bob is also recognized as one of most active philanthropists. He has worked helping feed the hungry with Second Harvest Food Bank for the past 30 years and was a member of their Board of Trust for six years. He has worked with the Boy Scouts for 17 years and serves as a member of the Scout’s marketing committee. He serves as a member of the advisory board for NAMI (Nashville Mental Illness Organization). Bob also has worked with country music singer Vince Gill on his charity/celebrity golf tournament. He also has been instrumental in raising awareness and funding through his coverage of The Vinny. So far, The Vinny Golf Tournament has raised over $5 million. For 25 years, Bob has hosted his own golf tournament. The Bob Mueller M.S. Celebrity Challenge has raised over $1,500,000 to fight M.S. Bob has also been a member of the Nashville Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Board of Trust for the past 20 years.
Bob also served for three years as a member of the Board of Trust of Rocketown of Nashville. A youth music venue, skate park and after-school facility. A dream of contemporary Christian singer Michael W. Smith that became reality. As a #BeTheLight “Ambassador of Light” Bob Mueller will focus on giving #PowerToUkraine and will aim to #BeTheLight by spreading awareness about our mission on the ground and sharing internationally the stories that truly matter. By delivering truthful results of our joined humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, and highlighting the real needs to the international viewers, press and followers. Along the way, he will be encouraging others to do likewise and save thousands of lives in the process. Please Contact us!
Olena Gnes
is a Ukrainian, a journalist, a mother of three, the wife of a soldier, a renowned guide on Ukraine and a famous blogger. Since the beginning of the open invasion of Ukraine and throughout the War, Olena has become the “Voice” of the people. Her Youtube Chanel “What is Ukraine” – has become a portal for thousands of international viewers to see the reality in Ukraine, through the eyes of an average Ukrainian family. Viewers around the world relive the fear, the anger, the pain, the hope, the faith and the love through her stories.

Olena was always devoted to showcasing her country; she was always truthful and courageous in that mission: be it trips to the Chernobyl Nuclear Zone or historical insights, which proved to be a real “eye-openers” for many western viewers. But the level of her fearless devotion to the truth, to the story-telling, to recording the diary of the struggle and the everyday survival during the war crossed all boundaries.

This made Olena Gnes famous internationally. She has become an icon, representing Ukraine on major international news channels such as CNN, FOX, CBC, BBC, RTE – and programs such as the Anderson Cooper Evening Show, plus many others.

Forced to become a refugee due to her child’s health conditions, Olena became an active “Voice for Ukraine” within the US. She restlessly continues to spread awareness about what matters most, while helping Ukraine gain aid and support in the process. As a #BeTheLight “Ambassador of Light” Olena Gnes will focus on giving #PowerToUkraine and will aim to #BeTheLight by spreading awareness about our mission on the ground and sharing internationally the stories that truly matter. By delivering truthful results of our joined humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, and highlighting the real needs to the international viewers, press and followers, Olena will continue to give #PowerToUkraine and to #BeTheLight. Along the way, she will be encouraging others to do likewise and save thousands of lives in the process. Please Contact us!
Maryna Marchenko
a woman, a lawyer, an activist protecting women’s rights, and a philanthropist supporting young mothers and maternity needs through her NGO “Lada”
She is a wife and a mother, who like many others, stayed in Ukraine to continue on helping women in need. As an “Ambassador of Light” for the #BeTheLight base, our mission on the ground in Ukraine, Maryna’s mission will be to give #PowerToUkraine and #BeTheLight . Maryana Marchenko intends to do this by empowering young mothers of Ukraine, protecting their rights and needs, and helping them to establish their careers, have psychological support along the way and give them the “Voice”! Maryna is a mother herself, raising a 5-year-old son, Leo, and a 12 -year-old stepdaughter, Aurora. She shares all babysitting and child rearing responsibilities with her husband Serhiy Marchenko, who is an active participant in raising their beautiful family. And that’s how it should be - since motherhood is a shared labor of love. Yet from early on, Maryna has noticed that, while pregnant women and babies are more-less provided for in our society - the young mothers are left to survive on their own, with little support and understanding at the time when they need it most. This became only more acute during the War and Humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, when young mothers were left without their homes, forced to live as refugees, without jobs and without even their husbands by their side, since men are defending their country. Hence, as a #BeTheLight “Ambassador of Light” Maryna would like to devote her time and her Ambassadorial voice - to #BeTheLight for thousands of young mothers of Ukraine, empowering them and helping them to become the base of a Strong Ukraine. That’s going to be her way of giving #PowerToUkraine! Please Contact us!
  • David Van Hooser
    #BeTheLight Board Member & Representative
    is an American film director, winner of a Peabody Award and 25 Emmy Awards, President of Light Hand Productions LLC and a #BeTheLight Board Member and Representative, focusing on spreading awareness about our mission through Media, TV and Film. David is fully devoted, both, to his calling as a director and story-teller as well as to the #BeTheLight Mission. He has visited Ukraine and has lived with our team at our base in Vorokhta, during the first months of open war conflict (April-May 2022). Relentlessly, David spent his time recording our work on the ground, and in the process recording Ukraine. Above all, his footage has showcased the unbroken, fearless and defiant spirit of Ukrainian people, who daily shield with their own bodies the rest of the Western World from terror. David devoted himself fully to revealing the true values of democracy and light against tyranny and darkness.

    After David returned to the US, he has continued to work with the #BeTheLight team daily, featuring our stories and struggle on an affiliate of the ABC network, editing video testimonies of victims and refugees, creating video promos for our mission, exposing our work on the ground on TV shows such as “This Week with Bob Mueller” on ABC, along with providing footage for other national and international channels such as Fox, CNN, BBC, RTE and CBC.

  • Elisabeth Sewall
    #BeTheLight Board Member & Representative
    Elisabeth’s professional experience includes work in education, journalism, non-profit program management, and most recently in the consumer insights
    and market research industry, working with clients in media, life sciences and healthcare, among others. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Occidental College and a master’s degree from New York University’s Robert F. Wagner graduate school of Public Service. Elisabeth is also a former Fulbright fellow to Ukraine. She is #BeTheLight Board Member and Representative, focusing of non-profits, strategic partnerships and fundraising.
Assistance & Accounting
  • Oleksandr Vilkhovyk
    Office Assistance
    Oleksandr is an IT specialist from the frontline town of Dobropillia,
    Donetsk Region of Ukraine. Prior to the war, Oleksandr was an IT student in the city of Dnipro. He was among the first members of our #BeTheLight team. Using his IT training and resources, he created the “Hotline Site” for all who were in dire need of help, aid and evacuation. Oleksandr remained at our base and is currently running all international visits to the site. In addition, he interprets, communicates and does the work of a personal assistant to the #BeTheLight Leadership team, preparing documentation, letters and agreements.
  • Olha Ostapiuk
    Olga is an economist from the frontline city of Mykolayiv, Ukraine. She was an
    instructor at Mykolayiv’s Admiral Makarov National University Of Shipbuilding before moving to our base at Vorokhta, Ukraine. There, Olga runs all of our #BeTheLight Accounting and Monthly Reports. She’s also in charge of our “Family Dolls” Project, specializing in handmade dolls creation and art therapy for Internally Displaced Kids at our #BeTheLight Base.
Base & Storage Team
  • Ivan Matiichuk
    Ivan manages our #BeTheLight Storage Operations. Prior to the war, Ivan ran a construction supply company and a hotel business. On the third day of the open invasion and war, Ivan offered his 7000 sq ft (650m sq) storage warehouse, 20 ton and 10 ton trucks, storage supply and services - all to be used by #BeTheLight for its Humanitarian Aid Mission. In addition, Ivan himself makes many of our #BeTheLight Humanitarian Aid trips with his trucks, while also overseeing a local hotel business that now caters to Internally Displaced People at the base.
  • Liubov Vilkhovyk
    Liubov is a medic from the frontline town of Dobropillia, Donetsk Region,
    Ukraine. Prior to the war, Liubov was a Professional Nurse working in the hospital. As a #BeTheLight Storage Manager, Liubov now runs all of our #BeTheLight base and storage activities: including weekly aid distribution, frontline shipments, plus sorting and placing. In additional to her managerial chores, Liubov is our #BeTheLight medic: she treats wounded civilians whom we evacuate to our base, and she prepares specialized medical
    aid shipments for frontlines and hospitals.
  • Mykola Klindukh
    Mykola is our #BeTheLight storage coordination-assistant, running loading, unloading, sorting, shipment and distribution storage chores. Prior to the war, Mykola was an electrician in the frontline town of Dobropillia, Donetsk Region, Ukraine. Now, #BeTheLight weekly storage activities rest on his shoulders, and our #BeTheLight Base relies on his assistance.
  • Mykhailo Stovbun
    Mykhailo is our #BeTheLight storage assistant and driver, assisting
    in loading, unloading, sorting, shipment, and distribution as well as driving the #BeTheLight trucks. Prior to the war, Mykhailo worked in construction supply storage as an assistant and driver. #BeTheLight weekly storage activities are now his responsibility, and our #BeTheLight Base relies on his assistance.
  • Serhii Rezanov
    Serhii ran his own construction business, supervising many construction projects: including resorts, homes and restaurants. Now, he is our #BeTheLight logistics coordinator-assistant and driver, assisting in loading, unloading, sorting, shipment, and distribution, as well as driving the #BeTheLight trucks. Serhii also uses his 5 ton bus to do additional #BeTheLight deliveries. Now, #BeTheLight weekly routes and deliveries rest on his shoulders, and our #BeTheLight Base relies on his logistics-coordination and assistance.
  • Vitalii Ostapyk
    Vitalii is our #BeTheLight storage assistant and driver, assisting in loading, unloading, sorting, shipment, and distribution, as well as driving the #BeTheLight trucks. Prior to the war’s beginning, Vitalii worked at the fire station as a Fire Rescue team member and driver. Now, he provides assistance and weekly storage activities at our #BeTheLight Base.
  • Vasyl Druchkiv
    Vasyl ran his own horse-care business, developing a very strong bond with the horses, catering to their needs, supervising their treatment, plus training and rearing. Now he is our #BeTheLight logistics coordinator-assistant and driver, assisting in loading, unloading, sorting, shipment, and distribution as well as driving the #BeTheLight trucks. Now the task of #BeTheLight weekly routes and deliveries rest on his shoulders, and our #BeTheLight Base relies on his logistics-coordination and assistance.
  • Nazar Olesiv
    Nazar is a lawyer from the frontline city of Kharkiv, Ukraine. When the war began, Nazar joined our #BeTheLight team as our storage assistant, helping with loading, unloading, sorting, shipment, and distribution. Now, #BeTheLight weekly storage activities rest on his shoulders and our #BeTheLight Base relies on his assistance. In addition, Nazar helps our volunteer team members and partners with a variety of legal issues and is volunteering as our #BeTheLight lawyer.
  • Mykola Ostapiuk
    Mykola has experience at running his own construction business, specializing in fine tile roofing and building homes from scratch. Now, he is our #BeTheLight storage assistant, doing his part with loading, unloading, sorting, shipment, and distribution, as well as driving the #BeTheLight parcels for post office shipment. Now, #BeTheLight weekly routes and deliveries are part of his duties, plus our #BeTheLight Base
    relies on his assistance.
  • Ivan Chepil
    Ivan is in charge of the unions for the national gas extraction company, UkrGazVydobuvannia. With the beginning of the war, he became an active volunteer, using his cars and resources to do dangerous frontline deliveries. Ivan runs #BeTheLight logistics to frontline regions, securing safe passages of our humanitarian cargo. He personally delivers to he front area and fully records the deliveries. He also collects information on current and particular frontline needs to which our #BeTheLight team can then respond accordingly.
  • Anna Olesiv
    Prior to war, Anna was a civil servant, worked in the State Property Fund in Kharkiv. She is a Kharkiv native, Russian Aggression forced her to leave her native town with her two small kids and to become an IDP.  As a #BeTheLight Storage Assistant, Anna now runs all of our #BeTheLight base and storage activities: including weekly aid distribution, frontline shipments, plus sorting and placing. Helping the frontlines and the IDPs is a personal mission for Anna, to which she’s fully devoted.
IT & Tech Support Team
  • Mariya Soltys-Tkachenko
    Maria is an IT, SMM, computer graphics specialist and a webmaster from Kyiv, Ukraine. During the war, Maria started her own animal evacuation and rescue mission at the frontlines. Maria joined our #BeTheLight team as a webmaster and SMM specialist, running our website and social media posts. As an IT specialist, Maria actively helps #BeTheLight combat Russian bots that constantly attempt to damage our pages and breach our system, our security, and other sites related to ours. Cyber security is now Maria’s own battlefield.
  • Myhailo Sheleh
    Mykhailo is an IT specialist from Dnipro, Ukraine. Prior to the war, he was an IT student in the frontline city of Dnipro. He was also among the first members of our #BeTheLight team. Using his IT training and resources. Mykhailo was also widely involved in international SID exchanges, running English correspondence with partners. Currently he’s involved in IT and documentation support for the #BeTheLight team.
Media Relations Team
  • Valeriya Mikulska
    #BeTheLight Media Relations Representative
     is a Ukrainian journalist, TV presenter, author of the tourism and cultural studies projects "Tour de Ukraine", "Ukraine impresses" and the documentary series "Chronicles of the Home Front". Valeria worked in the leading TV networks in Ukraine: 1+1 and INTER. She is originally from the frontline city of Pervomaisk, Mykolaiv region - an area that suffered greatly from Russian Terror and Attacks. Hence, for Valeriya the mission of spreading awareness about Ukraine - is a deeply personal one. She has joined #BeTheLight team as one of our Ukrainian based Media Relations representatives, focusing of public relations, media and TV.
  • Alisa Kureikina
    #BeTheLight Media Relations Representative
     is a Ukrainian journalist and editor. She is the editor for the leading Ukrainian TV Channels: INTER and NTN. Alisa is originally from Berdiansk - the city that is currently under Russian Terror and Occupation. For her, the mission of spreading awareness about the War and Aiding Ukraine - is now a calling. This is her way of combating Russian Tiffany, Genocide and Occupation of her native town. She has joined #BeTheLight team as one of our Ukrainian based Media Relations Representatives, focusing of public relations, media and TV.