The Beverley Hills Film Festival
Nonprofit Organization
EIN: 92-3623991
It has been an honor to represent @bethelightnpo at the red carpet event of @thebhfilmfest at Beverley Hills Film Festival in the heat of Los Angeles. Showcasing a documentary film featuring our @ffunsdghelpua project and our @bethelightnpo team. Gratitude to @etnodim for an incredible Ukrainian dress for @thebhfilmfest red carpet event - proud to represent Ukraine in every way and gesture! 🇺🇦✌️Gratitude to the wonderful @thebhfilmfest and its president Nino Simone. Festival is considered among the most exclusive and influential international film festivals globally. Through linking the groundbreaking talent of emerging filmmakers and exposing the community to the latest innovations in the cinema field, the Beverly Hills Film Festival exists as a cinematic and cultural patron. The Beverly Hills Film Festival’s objective is to merge today’s filmmaking pioneers with the wealth of cinematic heritage of Beverly Hills by edifying and developing the cinematic community and enhancing the impact of the arts. We congratulate our US @bethelightnpo team member and a director of the featured film @davidhvanhooser . Both @pic_couldlie and I are very proud to be the producers of this incredible film. Special gratitude to all our amazing team members, who make the impossible possible daily - you All Rock: @pic_couldlie Іван Матійчук, Василь Дручків, Сергій Рязанов, Mykola Klyndukh, Стовбун Михайло, @chervonamalva , Ольга Остапюк, Віталій Остапик, Коля Остапюк Olesiv Nazar Anna Olesiv Oleksandr Vilkhovyk Ольга Шурпан Борис Жебеленко Martynova Irina Василь Мартинов and others. Gratitude to our incredible Ambassadors of Light: charles_wessler @marine_marche @bobmueller our US representatives Libby Sewall @shark2you and our Kyiv and EU headquarters @ffun_sdg @aronicamaurizio - this @thebhfilmfest entry is acknowledgement of all our joined Humanitarian effort! I still believe that each one of us can be a Super Hero and can truly Make a Difference - and it would take just One Person, One Organization, One Company - to Save Thousands and to Help Us to Continue on Helping! #bethelight #standwithukraine #helpukraine