Nonprofit Organization
EIN: 92-3623991


Since the beginning of the open invasion and war in Ukraine #BeTheLight has focused on helping people of Ukraine - in their struggle we see the “Light” which inspires us and resonates with our mission. The reasons Ukraine continues to stand and endure against the tyranny of a (so called) “superpower” have to do with the dignity, integrity, strength and perseverance of its people. Qualities that we feel are found in our charitable organization - #BeTheLight. Our Team is permanently stationed in Ukraine to deal with the Humanitarian

Crisis there, resulting from Russian military aggression, invasion, and war.

#BeTheLight is official and highly trustworthy - we are a USA registered 501(c)(3) NGO, fully testing for public safety organization, we are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170. Governed by the USA Board, #BeTheLight acts under the head governance of Christina Katrakis - who's the #BeTheLight Board member positioned currently on the ground in Ukraine, personally responsible for supervising all Humanitarian activity there.

Please know that our team on the ground makes the impossible - possible, performing courageous miracles every day at a time of immense crisis.

Our Mission

There’s a dire need for support and funding, since we are non-profit and only your donations support the vital aspects of our activity on the ground at times of war, such as the purchase of gasoline and diesel for our cars and trucks, so that we may continue to: deliver urgent aid to hot spots and cut off locations, relocate civilians to safety, cover gasoline costs for our Humanitarian trucks and cars, support our team, constantly purchase food, water, medicine and aid supply for those in need.

Our Vision

Every little bit - makes a huge difference and saves lives!

Be a Hero and Help us to save lives in Ukraine!